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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vagaries of Life.

Each year of my life was a special one for me........because each year I learned some thing new.......about life, about people and about the way the world is , Its like I'm being performance turned now ..........with blows from some ends...with enchantment of my own.....without tying the loose ends and gathering the loose bits and pieces......
Well these 25 years were just superb and the coming ones will be even better, with Maaji, Papa, Bhai and Dee who know only to love. They are the ones who have supported me till date.With friends who just like me the way I'm, though there were cases of unmatched frequencies of thoughts with some and they stopped talking to me.....but still I do remember them often. When I look back at my childhood I realize that a woman paints the child's experiences in her own fantasy. I had a childhood full of joys and sorrows which have lost their touch with time. Many incidents of vital importance have been forgotten in the excitement of great discoveries. This never ending quest of new discoveries has turned me into a very inquisitive and argumentative kind of a person. From the very start I wanted to know the reason for every occurrence around me. I rarely spoke without any reason. Speech was never a medium to express my self or what I thought. The incidents in the 15th year of my life were responsible for the sudden awakening of my soul, after which my desire to express grew and from that day I haven't looked back. As I started expressing my views I came to have a better understanding of people and this world. My thinking evolved gradually as I met more and more people. It turned me into a more imaginative and ambitious person. I grew up in an environment which was full of love, peace and freedom. I was never forced into anything that I didn't want to do. All decisions were mine and I regret none of them. My ideas had been vague from the very start and later as my knowledge grew I turned into a more practical creature but frankly I still think a bit superficially. I studied various subjects but was always fascinated by reasons more than numbers. (That is why I guess I've good analytical capability). The most amazing thing in these years has been that the best time of my life has been the worst time too.... or.... should I say the worst time was the best time I had and that was in the last years of my school life. I experienced zenith and nadir in the same period of my life. This was the phase in which for the first time in life joy deserted my heart and for a long time I lived in doubt, anxiety and fear. Books lost their relevance for me. It was a difficult phase to come through but eventually I came through it with a totally new and more positive prospective. I have missed many opportunities in life and have learned my lessons the hard way which made me tenacious and careful.I'm glad that all this happened to me making me better with each stroke. The college was just a polishing institute to know the reasons practically but it turned out to be the other way round and made me a better human being rather than a good engineer and yes I owe many other things to my college. The people I have met so far made a huge difference in my life, would I have been able to enrich this writeup with their names it would have been difficult to complete it. Some are close to me and many others while others are totally unknown, but their influence shall live immortally in the lives of many like me that they sweetened and touched.                
Thanks to you all.         

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Power of our mind...........living for a purpose.

Our mind is very powerful which governs us and the first thing that it generates is a thought. A thought that can come into any bodies mind. We all think and connect to each other. Like I’m thinking something here and that thought is manifested in somebody else, in some other place. Distance makes no difference. The thought goes and reaches the other man, and he understands it. If the mind were to be isolated than this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.  My thought is not reaching you directly, but it is getting dissolved with the ethereal vibrations entering your brain and they have to be resolved again onto your own thought. I dissolute the thought and there is resolution of thought.

The world is one of influence. We try to influence people through our bodies, virtues, intellect and spirituality and vice versa. For example a man comes who is well learned, has a beautiful language and speaks to you for hours but does not make an impression and on the other hand their comes another man who speaks a few words, not well arranged with grammatical mistakes but leaves an impression. This happens a lot of time and all of us have experienced this. So it is evident that words alone cannot always produce an impression, there are other contributing factors. Words and thoughts contribute a small part in making an impression, other parts being the man himself and the persona of the character, these all taken together makes an impression. All the great leaders in the past had all these things. How many thoughts have they thought? And may be we still are thinking the same thoughts. The real thoughts, new and genuine that have been thought in this world up to this time, amount to only a handful. The people before us have left us their thoughts in their writings or in those ethereal vibrations. They have left us their thoughts but they might not be so influential. Why?  The reason I can thought of is that the personality has gone now. The words and thoughts contribute only a small part may be one-third and the two-third being contributed by the personality of the man that runs through someone to make an impression. There is no use polishing the outside of the lamp shade when the light bulb inside does not work. In the same way there is no use making one spread the inner light to the world outside, when there is no inner enlightenment. The man of influence put upon anything can make it work. The problem being that these kinds of men are hard to find. But we can make ourselves like this, by fine tuning our own personalities. Try to make difference to the life, take out the ideas from your intellect, don’t just touch life, live it and feel it and make the best out of it. Fine tune it to leave an example for generations to come. Don’t wait for an example to be set, be an example yourself. Don’t consider yourself weak, if you do so then think about this that every weak thing contributes to every strong thing. For example a brick is considered not that strong but it can hurt you or when put in a building can protect from the extreme weather. We may be on the thicker side of intellect right now but keep tapering the rough edges to make it finer and finer to be the finest.