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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today India is 60 Years Old.

I'm proud and privileged to have been born in this great country that is marbled in history and shaped by the ecstasy of achievement and anguish of war.Its air evokes the history of cultures, especially those which have been enriched, ripened and mellowed by experience, whether of joy or of pain
India has come a long way since its independence but 60 years is hardly a long time in the history of a nation.But , of course, its long enough to know to which direction a nation is heading and that is up to the people of this great nation to decide whether its going up or down, whether its going to pieces or its holding.
As far as i think in last 60 years India has shown that it has the capacity to hold, the capacity to grow, the resilience to face the most turbulent storms and still steady itself within the shortest possible time.The independent India had not had a smooth sailing on the whole, but we are steady and self-sufficient. Our progress has been hampered by many events, many forces, within and outside, but remarkably the resultant motion forward has been quite ultimate and that is what gives hope to us the people of India that India is a great nation.We can look back and take satisfaction at many achievements of the Indian people, sometimes overcoming serious odds.And, I'm not disregarding many of our people's failures in this process.And here i dare to say that the future of India is bright but the way for india will never be smooth.
It's been 60 years today that our democracy remains not only intact,but a vibrant and proven force in our existence. India remains a secular state while respecting fully all the religions of the country and that is one of the other aspects that makes this nation of ours great.A country as big as India (seventh largest in the world) and holding the second largest population of the world which is multi-religious, multi-lingual and is also multiplying, the problems are daunting for such a country.Each passing day means so many more mouths to fed,hands to be employed, minds to be educated, bodies to be clothed, housed and given health care.This means that to meet the challenge of an alert and skilled population which inches towards the 1.5 billion mark.Thus to satisfy this huge chunk of people new policies and innovative methods to use our resources skillfully will be needed and such satisfaction can come only if people concerned feel that they are participants all along the line - from formulation,implementation and fruition.There is one thing that can be said about India without any second thoughts and that is, that India is changing; and changing faster than ever before and what is important is that its changing to her own likes, we are changing in the various departments of our life on our own terms.
So people please work together to realize the vision that our practice of democracy have made possible over the past 60 years to make this great nation even more greater.

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